Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Simple Steps to Prepare for Detox

So you want to detox?  I’m gonna assume that you’ve been preparing your mind and body for this discipline for a brief while.  Maybe you’ve been preparing for it for much longer while working up the nerve to give it a go. Well, as you know, detoxing can be a VERY rewarding bodily experience and believe me that your body actually thanks you.

However, most detoxes use all natural foods that have to be prepared.  No boxed stuff, canned stuff, or pre-frozen meals purchased from the store (you can pre-make and pre-freeze your own meals).  Seeing as though our schedules these days are so busy, many people find it a challenge to prepare meals along every day.  So, following some simple steps can help make your detoxing easier.

1.       Review your menu.  Take a few days to get familiar with what your detox is telling you.  This will allow for you to go shopping and stock up on the items that you need ahead of time.

2.       Pre-make some of your meals and condiments.  Since some detoxes call for soups, salads, dressings, etc.  you’d save some time having these items already in your refrigerator ready to serve than to make them when needed.   Pre-made soups and dressings will allow for the seasonings to set in to give you a better flavor.  Pre-cutting lettuce and other veggies and storing them in an airtight container will allow for you to be able to make salads a lot quicker.

3.       Be realistic in pre-making your meals.  If you know that you’re prone to leave fresh items in the frig until they go bad, then make your items in small batches.  In other words, don’t make 3 – 3 gallons bales of soup if you know that you are gonna eat them slowly. 

4.       Buy your fresh items weekly.  In conjunction with the above statement, if you’re going on a detox longer than one week then don’t stock your refrigerator all at once.   Pick a day to buy your fruit/veggies weekly.  This will eliminate your items going bad.

5.       As much as possible, choose organic or NON-GMO items.  While I am a firm believer in doing what you can until you can do what you have your heart set on, organic and NON-GMO is not just a trend.  Organic and NON-GMO used to be a way a life, now it’s an expensive privilege.  Unfortunately, it’s still the way that we need to eat.  Places like Trader Joe’s (if you have one in your area) offer economical prices in organic and NON-GMO foods.

6.       Cut yourself some slack.  If you fall – get up.  Don't condemn yourself for it.  Most of the fitness and nutrition gurus fell off the wagon a time or ten before they got the knowledge and discipline that they possess.  This is what makes them able to relate.  This is what will make you relate.  As much as possible DON’T FALL OF THE WAGON, but just don’t through in the towel if you do.

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